7 Tips to Balancing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship


You can do anything, but not everything!

That is one of my favorite quotes that sits on the background of my computer because I have to constantly remind myself that I don't need to do everything to be a successful mom and entrepreneur. After becoming a mom, a lot changed in the way I work and my own identity. These are some of my top 7 tips that really helped me balance and conquer both motherhood and entrepreneurship.


Routine and structure are important for children and our lives; however, we all know that children are completely unpredictable. From changes in sleeping schedules (ever had a 2 hour time block to work during nap and then your baby decides not to nap?), health (getting that call from school to come pick up your kid early), childcare, etc... anything can happen, so when something comes up, being flexible, having backup systems in place and being able to adapt and communicate to your clients or team are extremely important.


As a mom we are often times really hard on ourselves. I know I get frustrated when I can't accomplish the things I used to pre-kids. For example, my brain sometimes just doesn't work the same! Other times I run out of time or I'm just plain exhausted. Being able to forgive yourself when things don't get done or you fall behind is important to your health and mindset. I'm not saying use it as an excuse, but learning that it's okay to STOP COMPARING yourself to what other people are doing because your situation is completely different than another person's.


Instead of planning out your daily schedule minute-by-minute, create theme days dedicated to one specific aspect of your business (ex. marketing, finance, etc). Each day time block 30min-1hr to focus on only that theme so you can stay on top of working on your business. Batching tasks for the day will also help eliminate playing the catch up game!


Simplify is definitely my theme for 2019! From simplifying my business through systems, automation, outsourcing, delegating, and focusing on only ONE thing at a time to simplifying and decluttering my home life, the amount of "space" mental and physical has really helped to make me a more productive and focused mom and entrepreneur.


Moms are super heroes, but even Wonder Woman gets backup from her family of warriors. No childcare? Ask another mommy to help out for 2 hrs with a playdate so you can escape to work, then make sure to reciprocate the favor! Do you think you can make more money per hour focusing your time on your business, then hire childcare for a few hours (or more) to get stuff done.In business, outsource or hire for the tasks you're not great at. I am not great at graphic design. I can do it, but what takes me 2 hours in Adobe or Canva can take a professional 10 minutes. So why would I try to learn it and create something that will save me time? Asking for help does not make you weak, it actually makes you a stronger person and a more focused and productive one too.Bottom line: DO NOT THINK YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALL.


A mama who is not healthy (mentally or physically) does no good to her family or business. Focusing at least 20 min a day on yourself through meditation, journaling, working out, etc... will increase your productivity and mood! You might be laughing at me saying... 20 minutes? I don't even have 20 minutes to take a shower!!! Well guess what, you can break that 20 minutes down into 5 minute sections. Do you know how many times I've literally journaled in the bathroom (haha... I'm serious). There are also shower meditations you can listen to. I'm all about efficiency, so do what works, but make sure to think about yourself FIRST. Ideas of self-care: meditation, daily journal, drink water, keeping snacks handy, movement or stretching, etc... Bottom line: Do what fills you up. If that's talking on the phone with your mom, do it. If it's getting a mani/pedi, more power to you. If it's 2 minutes of breath work while showering, great!


Create a "work" zone mentally and physically to eliminate distractions. If you only have 20-30 minutes to get something done, then set yourself up for success. Shut off social media / silence your notifications, go to a different room where you can concentrate, put on a music playlist and make sure you're not thinking about (or in the middle of doing) all the laundry, cooking, dishes, etc... that needs to get done! If it's occupying physical or mental space then let it go for those 20-30 minutes! I promise they'll still be there, haha... just try to be present in that moment.