Twitter 101 {infographic}

I am a pretty tech savvy girl; however, when I started in the wedding industry I had never really used Twitter.  What could I possibly tell the world in 140 characters?!?! I am a very chatty girl, so it seemed quite difficult and I also had no idea who I was "talking" to when I tweeted. Flash forward and now all I do is tweet (follow me @preppy_chic)! {I'm not going to lie... I was jealous today when my boyfriend (@mcarney) crossed 1,000 followers! He is a tech blogger, but still.}

What I never realized is how important Twitter is in not only building a business, but especially building a business in the wedding, fashion & entertainment industry. Sharing information and especially linking to articles, sharing photos (twitter should've bought instagram not facebook) or sending quick news updates is so efficient on Twitter. If you look at the top 10 most followed people, they are all celebrities!So how do you maximize your Twitter potential?

  • Follow important people in your industry that share great information.
  • Reply, retweet & share other people's tweets. By interacting with others you'll open the door for new followers.
  • Share interesting links, articles & information (not just your own blog please!).
  • Share a personal bit about yourself. A photo speaks a thousand words so share a snip-bit of your life. It puts a real person & a personality behind 140 san-serif characters & a gravatar!
  • Frequency (in moderation). 3 to 4 industry related tweets a day will help build a following and increase your chances on being recommended on the "who to follow" list.

Since sharing links and getting click throughs are extremely important for blogs & businesses, I thought I'd share this infographic from Dan Zarrella that analyzed patterns of who and what got the most clicks on Twitter to help people get the most out of their Tweets.

{top: lost at e minor | bottom: Dan Zarrella}